Компания Wil-Rich предлагает целый ряд дополнительного оборудования для своих агрегатов, предназначенных для основной обработки почвы. Оно создавалось в дополнение к тем или иным почвообрабатывающим машинам Wil-Rich для достижения требуемой агрегатной структуры грунта.
2-рядная пружинная борона с прикатывающими катками
The 2-bar Coil Tine Harrow with flat bar rolling basket is designed with 12 in (30 cm) between tooth bars.A harrow and rolling basket work together to create a desirable field finish. The aggressiveness of the tines is adjustable. The basket has eight blades with 0.25 x 1.25 in wide (.6 x 3 cm) steel. The basket is 13 in (33 cm) in diameter.
Available for Чизельный плуг серии 2500 and Глубокорыхлитель с двойными дисками SoilPro 513.

3-Bar Coil Tine Harrow with Rolling Basket
This finishing option includes a 3-bar Coil Tine Harrow and hydraulically adjustable rolling baskets. Operators can modify the basket down pressure from the cab to produce the desired field finish. They can also be lifted off the ground completely in wet conditions or when not needed.
Available for 483 долото Pro.

3-х или 4-рядная пружинная борона
Another optional finishing attachment is the 3- or 4-bar tubular harrow. It features five adjustments for tooth angle. These angle adjustments allow the user to set the aggressiveness of the harrow to the ground conditions and amount of residue on the soil surface. The tines are 5/8 in (.2 cm) in diameter and 26 or 30 in (66 or 76 cm) long, depending on the tool they are attached to.
Available for Чизельный плуг серии 2500, 483 долото Pro, and Глубокорыхлитель с двойными дисками SoilPro 513.